Address: 14 Natal Road Belgravia Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +263 77 997 0322/ +263 77 317 5192
Email: secretariat@zea.org.zw | president@zea.org.zw
Twitter: @ZimEvalAssoc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Zimbabwe-Evaluation-Association
The Zimbabwe Evaluation Association (ZEA) was established in 2004, however, due to the prolonged economic and social challenges that the country faced, the majority of members migrated to neighboring countries and the association withered.
Zimbabwe is recovering from a decade of economic and social challenges and there is a great need for quality evaluations to support evidence-based policies and decision-making. Local opportunities for capacity development in evaluation practice, information sharing, and networking remain limited.
The Zimbabwe Evaluation Association was re-launched on the 3rd of October 2013. During the launch meeting, a committee of 15 was tasked to spearhead the setting up of ZEA.
The committee, with secretariat support from UNICEF, successfully developed a constitution, registered ZEA as a Trust, opened a bank account, and developed a three-year strategy in 2014. The Zimbabwe Evaluation Association seeks to act in ways that embody our mission, vision, and values in pursuit of our defined policies and goals.
A new board took over on the 3rd of June 2017. In its first meeting, the Board reviewed and updated the Board Charter and formally adopted the Constitution. The board then appointed two board members in July based on the expressions that were submitted.
In August, it then conducted the first reflection meeting on the ZEA Strategy and held a two-day meeting in December to finalize the Strategy. In September, ZEA hosted AFREA and the Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation Forum in order to finalize the OCAT assessments.
The Vision of ZEA is A Zimbabwe with a culture of quality evaluation that contributes to improved lives and conditions for citizens.
Purpose and Mission
The Purpose of ZEA is to promote practices that will ensure that:
- Programmes are evaluated (emphasis should be on national/government programmes because donor-funded programmes are already evaluated)
- Evaluations are credible
- Evaluation findings are used to inform policies/development interventions
- Evaluation contributes to sustainable development
The ZEA’s purpose will be achieved through improvements in the enabling environment, the demand, and the supply of evaluations. By these Terms we mean the following:
Enabling Environment: The country has in place laws, policies, and practices that promote evaluation and its utilization and resources are allocated for evaluation and learning.
Demand for Evaluation: Agencies that implement or influence development activities (Government, local authorities, donors, foundations, trusts, NGOs, private sector) recognize, invest in, and utilize evaluation to inform their interventions.
Supply of Evaluation: Agents (individuals and entities) that provide evaluation services will have the capacity to conduct quality evaluations, contribute to the development of the field of evaluation and have access to opportunities for the application of knowledge.
With this understanding, ZEA’s Mission is: To promote an enabling environment for evaluation through building evaluation competencies and strengthening the utilization of evaluation in Zimbabwe.
The ZEA Constituency
ZEA identifies its constituency as consisting of all stakeholders in evaluation. For planning purposes and to ensure the Association continuously develops and meets the needs of its varied stakeholders, the stakeholders are clustered into four groups.
These are Evaluators, Evaluation Clients, Learning and Practice Partners, and the General Public. Actors/Agencies can take on different at different points in time or take on multiple roles simultaneously. Table 1 below presents indicative services envisaged for each group.
- Contribute to the capacity development of members and stakeholders in research and evaluation to ensure the attainment of quality, ethical and professional standards of evaluations.
- Build partnerships with policymakers to utilize evaluation findings and disseminate evaluation information to stakeholders.
- Provide a networking platform system-wide for sharing lessons and good practices in evaluation.
- Contribute to Zimbabwe and global evaluation literature
UNICEF, SNV, ACBF, Higherlife Foundation, USAID, Lighthouse,
Mr. Douglas Charivanda
Address 14 Natal Road Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +263 77 317 5192
Email: secretariat@zea.org.zw
Shylock Muyengwa | President | president@zea.org.zw | shylock.muyengwa@gmail.com | +263779970322 |
Diliah Mutambara | Vice President | diliah.mutambara@gmail.com | +263 77 305 9092 |
Douglas Charivanda | Secretary-General | secretariat@zea.org.zw | dcharivanda@gmail.com | +263 77 317 5192 |
Yanano Mugarisanwa | Treasurer | yanachigs@gmail.com | +263 77 951 4158 |
Tracy Kandeya | Board Member | kandeyatracy@gmail.com | +263 77 225 3848 |
Tsitsi Makunike | Board Member | makunike.tsitsi@gmail.com | +263 77 246 3061 |
Dowsen Sango | Board Member | dowsens@gmail.com | +263 77 272 3577 |
Roy Mutandwa | Board Member | roymutandwa@gmail.com | +263 77 339 3352 |
Wellington Muchechetere | Board Member | muchecheterew@gmail.com | +263 77 278 5685 |