RMEO's History
RMEO was launched under the name of Rwanda Monitoring and Evaluation Association (RMES) on November 4, 2016. I was a peer learning group funded by the Rwanda Government Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) through one of its now defunct capacity building vehicles called Capacity Development and Employment Services Board (CESB).
This initiative was jointly supported by international development partners, key among them, UNICEF Rwanda and Enabel. On May 24, 2017 RMES organized its first general assembly in Kigali to establish its structure as an autonomous association. A board in form of a non-paid Executive Committee was elected. This marked its departure from a peer learning group to an entity seeking to have legal status under the laws of Rwanda.
Thus, the application for an operating certificate was requested in the 2018 under a new name of Rwanda Monitoring and Evaluation Organization (RMEO) as recommended under the law governing national NGOs. It obtained its Non-Governmental Organization Certificate of Legal Personality N°969/RGB/NGO/LP/02/2024 in 2024.
RMEO's Profile
Rwanda Monitoring and Evaluation Organization (RMEO) is registered as Non-Governmental Organization with Certificate of Legal Personality N°969/RGB/NGO/LP/02/2024 in conformity with the Rwandan Law. Its mission is to cultivate the highest professional standards in monitoring and evaluation practice and theory through highly skilled and motivated members. Its membership is comprised of Monitoring and Evaluation professionals and practitioners from the public sector, civil society, research institutions, the UN, and the private sector.
It’s activities are built around its strategic objectives which include to:
- Strengthen Capacity development for its members.
- Contribute to building monitoring and evaluation systems.
- Build interagency partnerships and networking.
- Grow and explore business development opportunities to foster its self-reliance capabilities.
Contact Person's Information
Contact Person’s Information
Name: Oliver Bagwiza
Email: olibagwiza@gmail.com
Country: Rwanda
Address: P.O. Box 1256, Kigali.
Code: 250
Email: Rwandaeval@gmail.coLinkedIn
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/
Twitter: @rmesociety
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/RMESOCIETY/about/?ref=page_internal
Eugene Nyirigira Gatari | President | egatari@gmail.com | Rwanda |
Alex Mugabo | Vice-President | alex.mugabo@gmail.com | Rwanda |
Jean Baptiste Niyonsenga | Treasurer | jbniyonsenga@gmail.com |