Update on Board activities
RéTEva’s Board of Directors wishes you the best of health and prosperity for 2014 and is counting on everyone’s collaboration for the smooth running of the network.
This note summarizes the activities of the CA from November 2013 to January 2014.
1- Reminder of the key points of the GA
On November 9, 2013, was held on the premises of IRFODEL, the constituent general assembly of the Togolese Evaluation Network (RéTEva).
A total of 39 members participated in this meeting during which various points were discussed:
- Amendment and adoption of the statutes
- Election and installation of the Board of Directors
As for the main orientations on the basis of which the network should operate, they have been entrusted to the CA which, after having drawn up a proposal, should convene a GA.
2- Board members
à President: Mr. TAGODOE Kouassi Hognon, local development expert,
Director of the Research and Training Institute for Local Development (IRFODEL).
Tel: 90 04 55 91
to Secretary General: Ms. DOSSOU Akom. Expert in monitoring and evaluation AT CADERDT
Tel: 91 90 07 61
to Treasurer: Ms. MANZI-NIKA BAKOUSSAM. Essohouna Agricultural engineer/socio-economist – ANADEB
Tel: 90 15 64 64
to 1 st adviser: Mr. AGBOVI Kwassi Vincent. Sociologist, Director of CEDES-Afrique
Tel: 90 03 80 85
to 2nd adviser: Mr. AFOH T. Charif. Monitoring and evaluation consultant
Tel: 91 78 74 21
3- Board activities
Since its establishment, the Board has met 3 times: November 16, 2013, November 30, 2013, and January 25, 2014.
® Activities carried out
- Creation of a group email to facilitate communication and information sharing between network members
- Membership of the AFREA network: for this purpose, a sum of 200 dollars was paid to AFREA
® Current activities
– Registration at the ministry: it has started and is continuing. Following the observations of the MATDCL relating to the statutes, a meeting was held on Tuesday, January 28 between the members of the CA to discuss them.
– Strategic planning: a draft strategic plan was drawn up by a team of 4 people: the Chairman of the Board: Mr. TAGODOE Kouassi and 3 other members: Mr. TEKOU Paul, Mr. AGBO Egbénovi, Mr. KPEGLO Kokou. A meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2014, in the evening to finalize the document.
- Membership of the French Evaluation Network (RFE)
- Establishment of the membership form
- Creation of a logo for the network
- Opening an account at ORABANK
® Outlook
- Obtain telephone and mobile numbers for the network;
- Meet potential key technical and financial partners in Togo
NB: In the impossibility of having an executive secretariat, the Board deemed it necessary to set up a technical secretariat housed at IRFODEL. It is animated by:
Miss KANYI Blandine and Miss BEILLEVAIRE Marine
Cell: 90 20 70 07 Cell: 92 49 45 65
Mail: Mail:
The activities to be carried out require financial resources, all members who have not yet paid their contribution costs (10,000F) to the organization of the constituent GA, are kindly requested to contact the technical secretariat.
We also remind you that as soon as the account is opened, the number will be communicated to all members for the payment of annual dues which amount to 12,000F for the year 2014. These dues can be split and paid monthly.
Done in Lomé on January 30, 2014