Réseau Nigérien de Suivi et Evaluation (ReNSE)

P .O Box 893 Niamey-Niger
Tel: 22796983171

About ReNSE and its role in the promotion of the standards of evaluation in Niger

Presentation of ReNSE

Réseau  Nigérien  de  Suivi  Evaluation  (ReNSE)  is an organization of evaluation professionals created in 1999 in the global framework process of setting up active national evaluation networks.

This structure operated for over ten years on a zero budget. That is to say that the costs associated with its activities were fully supported by the founding members notably  United Nations agencies, the Niger government, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies, international NGO’s and other national institutions.

Since 2010, when ReNSE was launched and became an association under the Niger law 0556/MISD/DGAPJ/DLP of 30 August 2010. It has had up to 300 members in its informal phase and currently has 100 members.

The statutes allow the subscription of natural and legal persons, state and non-state actors, and national and international. ReNSE has the following statutory bodies: the highest body which is the General Assembly(GA), the Coordinating Committee (CC) which is its executive organ, the Scientific Committee (SC), the Thematic Groups(TG), the large meeting (LM), the consultation framework with its partners (CFP), the Regional Focal Points (RFP) and the Permanent Secretary (PM).

ReNSE’s role in the promotion of Evaluation Standards,

One of the missions of our network is the promotion of evaluation culture. To this end, as part of the sharing of the achievements of the ReNSE‘s participation in the FIF2 from 13 to 16 December 2017, a public conference was organized at Niamey, at Africa Hall with the support of UNICEF. One of the themes developed is the ethics and professional norms of evaluation. The general objective of this theme is to contribute to evaluators’ professionalism. The specific objective aims to inform evaluation managers and evaluators of the importance of evaluation standards and ethics in evaluation missions.
 After defining the evaluation concept, Its typology, criteria, and its ethics and standards.

Particular emphasis was placed on the divisions of evaluation standards as well as the evolution of the global exchange on this issue.


  • 1998: Regional Evaluation workshop at Nairobi financed by UNICEF on the theme ‘Can we use the American norms of evaluation in the context of African culture
  • 1999: The first AfrEA Conference which examined the results of the previous meeting in detail by the Nairobi Evaluation and Monitoring network
  • 2002: The second test phase at the AfrEA conference in Nairobi, where 11 associations and a network of evaluators proceeded to review and adoption of the fourth edition of the African Evaluation Guide
  • 2004: Gathering of the group of experts
  • 2007: Adoption of the director’s guidelines of African evaluation.

The ethics and standards of African evaluation comprise four principles comprising thirty-five standards. It is these standards that ReNSE raises in the framework of its multiform activities in the promotion of evaluative culture in relation to AfrEA which defines the strategies for the dissemination and the promotion of guiding principles of the African evaluation particularly:

  • The development of advocacy for the adoption and use of standards by all stakeholders and sponsors particularly:
  • Development of a chat with the evaluator
  • The creation of an evaluation database and a list of distribution for the sharing of ethics and good practices.
  • The development of a memorandum of understanding with sponsors committing them to the use of standards for evaluations,
  • The development and availability of evaluators of an African Evaluation handbook and guide,
  • The organization of training on the use of standards, Sharing of standards at all regional or pan-African meetings for user ownership.


CoordinatorDr Hassane idéAadamouhassaneidea@yahoo.fr+22796 89 31 71
Deputy coordinatorAssadeck Mohamedassadeckmd@yahoo.fr+22796 61 03 08
Head of communicationIdiguine Amadouidiguinepassi@yahoo.fr+22796 15 83 55
Deputy head of communicationAhmed Zaman Allahahamadou72@yahoo.fr 
Head of training and documentationSoumanaSeyni soumana18@yahoo.fr+22790 40 11 46
Deputy head of training and documentationMme Haoua Idi Abdouhabdou06@yahoo.fr96 99 11 15/90 99 11 15
General TreasurerBeidari Ibrahimab_ibrahima1@yahoo.fr96543417
Deputy General TreasurerSoumaïla Mamadoumsamaila2002@yahoo.fr96 87 31 14/90 41 63 61
AuditorsSouleymane Mamadousouleymamadou@yahoo.fr 
Ahmed  Sékou Diallosekoupoulo@gmail.com