Strand Sponsors

Potential Conference Strand Sponsors

Strand Sponsorship

Strand sponsorship involves both non-financial and financial contribution. The sponsor takes responsibility for refining the strand theme, review submissions and preparing the strand programme that may include pre-conference workshops, sessions, and side events to promoted networking between interested participants. A sponsor shall contribute towards overall conference expenses and cover necessary expenses for key resource people for the strand. A sponsor is encouraged to offer bursaries for strand presenters. A sponsor also shall contribute towards promotion of the strand to the potential participants.

Partnership Options

AfrEA is inviting interested organizations to become partners for the preparation and conduct of its 11th conference.

The Partnership options include:

Non-Financial Contribution

A partner can facilitate or co-facilitate a strand, including organization of review of abstract submissions and moderation of strand sessions during the conference.

Non-Targeted Financial Contribution

Funds will be used towards overall conference expenses, including hire of venue, service of the conference organizer, simultaneous translation, strengthening operations of AfrEA Secretariat as a coordinating entity, other administrative costs as well as covering travel expenses of keynote speakers as necessary.

Bursaries for Conference Attendees

Given the high cost of transportation and accommodation, bursaries are important to ensure participation of evaluators who don’t have sufficient means, especially young professionals. A partner may contribute to a pooled conference bursaries fund as well as identify a specific category of attendees to be supported.

Bursaries for Pre-Conference Workshops Presenters

A number of facilitators usually provide workshop and training prior to the conference, the majority of them requires financial support to cover the costs of transport, meals, and accommodation.

The following have been some of our donors, partners, friends and sponsors of the AfrEA Conferences and other interventions; we look upon them to come in to support the 11th AfrEA International Conference:

African Development Bank (AfDB)
Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Better Evaluation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Claremont Graduate University
Department for International Development (DfID)
EvalPartners Initiative
Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Foundation Rockefeller
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Hilton Foundation
Inter Action
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
International Organization for Cooperation and Evaluation (IOCE)
Islamic Development Banque (IDB)
Management Sciences for Health
MasterCard Foundation
Network of Network for impact Evaluation (NONIE)
Oxfam International
PACT International
Anglophone Africa (CLEAR – AA)
Francophone Africa (CLEAR – FA)
Réseau Francophone d ’Evaluation (RFE)
The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
United Nation Children Fund (UNICEF)
United Nation Development Programme (UNDP)
UN Women
World Bank
Netherland Ministry of Foreign Affairs