Vicent is a seasoned Monitoring and Evaluation specialist, Researcher, and Statistician, with a proven track record of over 8 years of experience. He currently works with the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development in the Government of Uganda, as well as an Associate Consultant / lecturer with Uganda Management Institute (UMI) teaching various aspects of Monitoring and Evaluation.
Vicent is also the General Secretary of the Uganda Evaluation Association (U.E.A), the Ugandan Voluntary Organization of Professional Evaluators (VOPE). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, a Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation, and a Master’s degree in management studies specializing in Monitoring and Evaluation, and a series of other Monitoring and Evaluation certifications. He has previously served as the Deputy General Secretary of the Uganda Evaluation Association, the Vice President of the Young and Emerging Evaluators Uganda Chapter (YEEs – Uganda).
A current member on of the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS), IOCOM Uganda country representative, and a current advisor of the YEEs network in Uganda among other positions of leadership in the Evaluation fraternity. Vicent has previously and conducted NVIVO and STATA workshop trainings during the 9th and 10th AfrEA conferences respectively. He has also conducted several workshop trainings within East Africa and beyond, including Peer to Peer capacity building trainings between Uganda (UEA) and Rwanda (RME0), capacity building workshops in South Sudan, received a grant from Eval youth and trained over 100 participants across Africa, and conducted several M&E, Research and data analysis capacity building trainings in UEA including trainings in Advanced Excel, SPSS, STATA, Kobo toolbox, Survey CTO, NVIVO, Atlas.ti, QGIS, Tableau, Power Bi, among others. He is passionate about passing on the same skills to the rest of the evaluation professionals in East Africa, Africa and beyond.